Firstly, I sincerely hope that you are keeping safe and well in these challenging times. The coronavirus has presented significant challenges to all people, in all walks of life, and I am conscious that the road ahead will likely present further hurdles which we must all work together to overcome.
With that in mind, Oxinet have taken steps to improve our development processes and communications with customers, such as introducing a newsletter, whilst also switching business operations from office-based to home working. We are delighted that this switch has been successful and that day to day operations have continued unimpeded. As part of the transition, I have taken the decision to adjust our business focus to meet the challenges of the time.
Oxinet’s key focal points are:
- Improve and increase the frequency of customer communications ensuring they are supported in their usage of the software and the challenges they now face
- Upgrade and test PEMS software for customer release
- Provide flexible and timely support to our customers, offering additional student and placement reports at no additional charge where required
- Ensure business continuity and longevity
Furthermore, and as our customers are aware, to date we have been upgrading PEMS to new technologies ensuring a modern, secure, and reliable system. Our previous “piecemeal” approach, in normal business times, allowed for maximum efficiency as upgrades were typically undertaken alongside the implementation of new customer requirements. Whilst our customers have been closed or focused on supporting their students working in the NHS during this time of crisis, the volume of requests has naturally decreased, and deadlines have been extended. Our strategy for upgrading the site has therefore, with the addition of time, adapted and will allow us to refocus our efforts on a whole of PEMS upgrade. This is, as you can imagine, a substantial project and Oxinet are putting significant resources into it. These are exciting times and PEMS 2.0 is expected to be available for customer testing in early 2021. Updates on our progress will be provided through the newsletter and/or via your PEMS Account Manager.
In the meantime, we continue to finalise and test the PEMS 1.32 summer release which includes new features to support the NMC new SSSA statutory requirements as well as general improvements and new features to support and enhance our customers’ usage of the system. Customers are welcome to test the new 1.32 version using their pre-release environments. PEMS 2.0 will be made available later for testing in the year once 1.32 has been released to live.
Last but not least, the transition to homeworking has been a great success and its largely down to the goodwill of our staff and customers that this has been so successful. For their enthusiastic support and flexibility, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved. We could not have done it without you.
I hope that you find the newsletters insightful and that you continue to stay safe and well in these challenging times. By continuing to work closely together we will get through this.
Best wishes
PS. To signup to receive the newsletters, please use the signup form at the bottom of any page on our website.